Creating the right profile lets promoters know why he/she should work with you in the first place. Show who you really are and be authentic about it.

First, you must go to Edit Profile.

Upload a logo to show off your brand or product by clicking on the image at the top. Add some transparency to your business by including your social media accounts and website too. These allow easy access for promoters to see what your agency is about and what you do for clients.

Make sure to include a Short Bio that is short and effective. This is also what is shown when Promoters first searches for you. Remember - first impressions count!

The Description should explain everything about your company, brand, or product that will entice promoters to accept your offer to promote your brand.

Text Editor

Go to this free HTML editor:

You can make your background information even better by including:

  • Fonts - Format your text that would make your page a lot more attractive for sponsors.
  • Links - Include links to unlimited social media channels and websites.
  • Images - Insert different images that can enhance your profile.
  • Youtube Videos - Embed videos so you can talk directly to your sponsors and build trust.

All you have to do is edit the content for your profile inside the HTML text editor on the left window.

Once you're done, then just click anywhere within the editor, press [CTRL] + [A] to COPY, then PASTE to the Background section of your profile!